[ Active Fuel Management DELETE ]

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These are the BLUE & RED PCM connector pinouts that will cover 1999-2002 F-Body ONLY . Your harness MAY NOT have a pin in a location I have listed having a wire.  I have tried to list all possible wires that will show up 99-02.  If I show a wire, and your harness does not have it, you probably don't need it anyway. You can use this info for a Corvette harness, should be very close, pay attention to location of 5v references and ground references.  Corvette will also have some extra wires for drive by wire stuff, and won't have throttle position sensor.



Note: Removing all of these will result in a non-emissions friendly harness.  If requirements are for 4 oxygen sensors, EVAP system, and EGR, then you will not want to remove those components.  Any wire NOT highlighted does not get touched, its required for proper engine/transmission control.

When you are removing wires from the harness, for instance pin 70 of blue connector, oil level switch.  This brown wire will lead you to a connector that will have another wire on it.  This other wire can be removed as well.  In this instance, it will be a black wire, that will go to a ground splice.  Simply snip this black wire from the ground splice, and you can remove the connector with its two wires together.  Same rules apply to other connectors you will get to that may have other wires once you get to it, rear oxygen sensors when you remove the two wires from the PCM, you will have a PINK and BLACK remaining, those two are again, traced back to their origin, and removed. 

Download these in PDF printable format here


F Body 99-02 LS1 Connector C1 BLUE
Pin Wire Color Circuit No. Function
1 BLK 451 PCM Ground
2 LT GRN 1867 12 Volt Reference
3 PNK/BLK 1746 Fuel Injector 3 Control
4 LT GRN/BLK 1745 Fuel Injector 2 Control
5 -- -- Not Used
6 -- -- Not Used
7 -- -- Not Used
8 GRA 596 5 Volt Reference (TPS)
9 -- -- Not Used
10 -- -- Not Used
11 LT BLU 1876 KS [2] Signal
12 DK BLU/WHT 1869 CKP Sensor Signal
13 -- -- Not Used
14 -- -- Not Used
15 -- -- Not Used
16 -- -- Not Used
17 DK BLU 1225 Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch Signal B
18 RED 1226 Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch Signal C
19 PNK 439 Ignition 1 Voltage
20 ORN 340 Battery Positive Voltage
21 YEL/BLK 1868 Low Reference CKP
22 -- -- Not Used
23 GRA 720 Low Reference not needed (C2xx Plug)
24 -- -- Not Used
25 TAN 1671 HO2S Low Signal [Bank 2 Sensor 2]
26 TAN 1667 HO2S Low Signal [Bank 2 Sensor 1]
27 -- -- Not Used
28 TAN/WHT 1669 HO2S Low Signal [Bank 1 Sensor 2]
29 TAN/WHT 1653 HO2S Low Signal [Bank 1 Sensor 1]
30 -- -- Not Used
31 -- -- Not Used
32 GRY 48 CPP Switch Signal (clutch switch)
33 PPL 420 TCC Brake Switch Signal
34 ORN/BLK 434 Neutral Safety Switch Signal
35 -- -- Not Used
36 BLK 1744 Fuel Injector 1 Control
37 YEL/BLK 846 Fuel Injector 6 Control
39 -- -- Not Used
39 -- -- Not Used
40 BLK 451 Ground
41 -- -- Not Used
X DK GRN 335 Low Speed Cooling Fan Relay Control
43 RED/BLK 877 Fuel Injector 7 Control
44 LT BLU/BLK 844 Fuel Injector 4 Control
45 GRA 474 5 Volt Reference (A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor)
46 GRA 474 5 Volt Reference (Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor)
47 GRA -- 5 Volt Reference (EGR) 99-00
48 GRA 416 5 Volt Reference (MAP Sensor)
49 -- -- Not Used
50 -- -- Not Used
51 DK BLU 496 KS [1] Signal
52 -- -- Not Used
53 BLK 407 Low Referecne (Transmission Temperature Sensor)
54 BLK 407 Low Reference (MAP Sensor Ground)
55 BRN 1456 EGR Pintle Position Sensor Signal
56 -- -- Not Used
57 ORN 340 Battery Positive Voltage
58 DK GRN 1049 ECM/PCM/VCM Class 2 Serial Data
59 -- -- Not Used
60 BLK 452 Low Reference TPS
61 PNK/BLK 632 Low Reference (Camshaft Position Sensor)
62 -- -- Not Used
63 -- -- Not Used
64 -- -- Not Used
65 PPL 1670 HO2S High Signal [Bank 2 Sensor 2]
66 PPL 1666 HO2S High Signal [Bank 2 Sensor 1]
67 -- -- Not Used
68 PPL/WHT 1668 HO2S High Signal [Bank 1 Sensor 2]
69 PPL/WHT 1665 HO2S High Signal [Bank 1 Sensor 1]
70 BRN 1174 Oil Level Switch Signal
71 -- -- Not Used
72 -- -- Not Used
73 BRN/WHT 633 CMP Sensor Signal
74 YEL 410 ECT Sensor Signal
75 -- -- Not Used
76 BLK/WHT 845 Fuel Injector 5 Control
77 DK BLU/WHT 878 Fuel Injector 8 Control
78 -- -- Not Used
79 GRA or WHT 587 or 687 Skip Shift Solenoid Control (M/T) or 3-2 Shift Solenoid Control (A/T)
80 BLK 407 Low Reference ECT


F Body 99-02 LS1 Connector C2 RED
Pin Wire Color Circuit No. Function
1 BLK 451 Ground
2 BRN 418 TCC Solenoid - Output - PWM
3 -- -- Not Used
4 PNK/BLK 429 Air Injection Reaction Solenoid Relay - Coil - Control
5 -- -- Not Used
6 RED/BLK 1228 PC Solenoid Valve High Control (Sol.A)
7 -- -- Not Used
8 LT BLU/WHT 1229 PC Solenoid Valve Low Control (Sol.A)
9 DK GRN/WHT 465 Fuel Pump Relay Control [Primary]
10 WHT 121 Engine Speed Signal
11 -- -- Not Used
12 -- -- Not Used
13 WHT 85 Cruise Control Engage Signal
14 RED/BLK 380 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Signal
15 RED 225 Generator Turn ON Signal
16 -- -- Not Used
17 DK GRN/WHT 762 A/C Request Signal
18 DK GRN 59 A/C Compressor Clutch Supply Voltage
19 -- -- Not Used
20 LT GRN/BLK 822 VSS Low Signal
21 PPL/WHT 821 VSS High Signal
22 -- -- Not Used
23 -- -- Not Used
24 DK BLU 417 TP Sensor Signal
25 TAN 472 IAT Sensor Signal
26 PPL 2121 IC 1 Control
27 RED 2127 IC 7 Control
28 LT BLU/WHT 2126 IC 6 Control
29 DK GRN/WHT 2124 IC 4 Control
30 DK BLU 229 Fuel Enable Control
31 YEL 492 MAF Sensor Signal
32 LT GRN 432 MAP Sensor Signal
33 DK BLU 473 High Speed Cooling Fan Relay Control
34 DK GRN/WHT 428 EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid Control
35 -- -- Not Used
36 BRN 436 AIR Pump Relay Control
37 DK GRN 83 Cruise Control Inhibit Signal
38 -- -- Not Used
39 RED 631 12 Volt Reference CMP
40 BLK 451 Ground
41 GRY -- EGR Solenoid Ground 99-00
42 TAN/BLK 422 TCC Solenoid Valve Control
43 DK GRN/WHT 459 A/C Clutch Relay Control
44 WHT 1652 Reverse Lock Out Solenoid Control (MANUAL TRANS T56 ONLY)
45 WHT 1310 EVAP Canister Vent Solenoid Control
47 YEL/BLK 1223 2 - 3 Shift Solenoid Valve Control
48 LT GRN 1222 1 - 2 Shift Solenoid Valve Control
49 -- -- Not Used
50 DK GRN/WHT 817 VSS Signal
51 YEL/BLK 1227 TFT Sensor Signal
52 -- -- Not Used
53 GRA/BLK 1687 Ignition Retard Signal
54 PPL 1589 Fuel Level Sensor Signal
55 -- -- Not Used
56 -- -- Not Used
57 PPL 719 Low Reference IAT
58 -- -- Not Used
59 -- -- Not Used
60 BRN 2129 Ignition Control Low Reference
61 BRN/WHT 2130 Ignition Control Low Reference
62 -- -- Not Used
63 PNK 1224 Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch Signal A
64 DK GRN 890 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Signal
65 -- -- Not Used
66 PPL/WHT 2128 IC 8 Control
67 RED/WHT 2122 IC 2 Control
68 DK GRN 2125 IC 5 Control
69 LT BLU 2123 IC 3 Control
70 -- -- Not Used
71 -- -- Not Used
72 -- -- Not Used
73 -- -- Not Used
74 -- -- Not Used
75 -- -- Not Used
76 LT GRN/WHT 1749 IAC Coil B High Control
77 LT GRN/BLK 444 IAC Coil B Low Control
78 LT BLU/BLK 1748 IAC Coil A Low Control
79 LT BLU/WHT 1747 IAC Coil A High Control
80 -- -- Not Used